Glorified Waterspouts is my first gargoyles fanfiction. I'm not sure when I actually began work on it. I could say that it all started with my first drawing of Banshea, or when I began writing. Then the next question is whether I began writing in the seventh or eight grade. All I really remember is that none of my friends really had a clue what was going on until it was too late, and the first draft (Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) was turned in to my English teacher, who gave me an A-. I finished it in a burst of creativity one summer morning at 3AM. The story goes on that I went to bed then, got up the next morning, and began work on the sequel.
Chapter One, where Banshea meets Goliath's clan.
Chapter Two, how Banshea, Shaunsha, and Mikaia come to join Goliath's clan.
Chapter Three, where Lilah joins the clan.
Chapter Four, where Banshea has an accident.
Chapter Five, where Casha nearly dies.
Chapter Six, where Banshea makes some alliances.
Chapter Seven, where a few things are explained.
Chapter Eight, where Banshea gets annoyed, and another Banshea steps in to help out.
Chapter Nine, where some time travelers get a blast from the past, or something like that...
Chapter Ten, which explains what happened outside of the room in Chapter 9.
Chapter Eleven, lotta important stuff in here! Lucifess and Demonita go bye-bye, Casha says who she is, OOPS! Not supposed to say yet! ;) Read it for yourself!
And lastly, Chapter Twelve! It's the final part of the story, the loose ends are tied up, yadda, yadda, yadda... If you're wondering about the very, very end of Chapter Eleven, ya gotta read this! ;) K?